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Tłumaczenia nie mamy, ale za to jak ktoś nie nadążą za mową, to poniżej transkrypcja. Man 1 (M1): What ya doing? Naked Man (NM): What's that? M1: What you doing not wearing any clothes? NM: Why should i? I'm not being told what to do! M1: Put some clothes on man! Jesus Christ! NM: If I get in trouble, that's on me. OK? I'll take the hit on that. M1: What are you talking about? NM: Well, they're my clothes. I'll choose not to wear them thank you very much! M1: It's common decency. Basic social etiquette to wear clothes. Just cover yourself up man! NM: [mocking] OK here we go! What next? You gonna tell me I have to wear a selt belt?! Or I can't drink and drive?! M1: Serious? NM: They're my shreddies and it's my choice not to wear them! OK? [mocking tone] Not you, or anybody else is going to infringe on my civil liberties M1: What about my liberty? I've got to look at you naked! NM: [laughing] I think you've got a choice, snowflake! M1: Why you wearing a mask? NM: C'mon, I'm not a complete prick!
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