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Elfy śpiewają piosenkę Fucking Ho ho ho

We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show, Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. I'm Rudolph and I quit. Just who's he think he is? That little fat cunt sat back in the sleigh, crackin' that fuckin' whip. And me stuck up the front, with these other useless cunts, Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. (Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show, Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. And what about us elves, we've had enough as well, workin' in that freezing cold, it's cold as fucking hell, we work until we drop, with our bollocks freezin' off, stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. (Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show, Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. I'm Santa Claus' wife, I know what he's really like, sneakin into those little kid's rooms he's a fuckin' paedophile, A devious old drunk, and I'm married to the cunt, So stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. (Chorus) Ho ho fucking ho, What a crock o' shit, We all work for Santa Claus, We've had enough, we quit. Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show, Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho. Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.
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